
Sunday, May 18, 2003

999 - Some Things Never Change and Some Things Do

Hyperion - X 999 can now be found on movie hype. The column consisted of an intro and reviews of X2: X-MEN UNITED and THE MATRIX RELOADED

You can read the X-Men review here.

You can read the Matrix review here.

And, just for kicks, I'm reprinting my original title and intro, so you can see what the first HyperionX words were:

Some things never change, and some things do


The inaugural episode of what is sure to soon be so popular that I expect this on E-Bay within days

This is the 999th issue of Hyperion X. You should only be getting this if you specifically wrote and asked my staff or me for it. This is your last chance, to turn back.

Actually, this one issue might not have too much to blush about. I'm still trying to figure out how I want to do this. One thing I did think to do is put movie reviews here, which the general reading public might not find too interesting. The other dilemma is that people I never expected to subscribe have signed up. You know: people who don't know me very well and I need to make a good impression on. Just the other day the mother of the girl I hope to marry wrote and asked to be a part of Hyperion X. Mind you; the girl herself hasn't said anything yet. It's a pickle. But, I figure I warned everybody, so if I feel like being inappropriate, I'll damn well do so. (And to her: anything I write that offends you is because I haven't been near enough your daughter lately. Please work on that)

Posted by Hyperion :: 6:14 AM :: :: 0 comments

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