
Wednesday, July 23, 2003

994: Pirates of the Caribbean

This was a review of PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN, and can now be found at Movie Hype.

Read the review of all those pirates here

Here is the original title (perhaps my best ever):

Review of Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, and maybe a few other words, because this is one long damn title for a movie


Finally: A movie where Geoffrey Rush's overacting is useful, Orlando Bloom tries to make the case that he's sexy even without the long blond hair and pointed ears, Johnny Depp is at his Johnny Depp-est (and this time that's a good thing), and thanks to some 18 year old girl I can finally come out of the closet on my thing for English chicks with their proper accents but you just know they are hiding the beast within

Posted by Anonymous :: 8:25 AM :: :: 0 comments

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