
Monday, August 21, 2006

HyperionX 960 - The Pile Grows Evermore


The Pile Grows Evermore


At some point, it will just be easier to do columns about who isn’t in the Pile?

I realize the last HyperionX was a bit scattered. I considered going back and rewriting it (or at least spellchecking) to make the column flow more, but then decided against it. For better or worse, that’s what I wrote then, and I’ll stand by it.

Today I’m still annoyed at everyone and everything, but I’ll try not to fly off the handle and use swear words every 10.2 seconds. (But no promises.)

Minor Pile – People who say “Going Forward”

What kind of dumbass expression is this? And what kind of teacher’s pet snothead came up with it?

In case you’re blissfully unaware, the expression is used in sentences like, “We expect good things from Rufus going forward…..”



I’m so glad that was cleared up, ‘cuz for a moment, I thought you expect good things from Rufus IN THE PAST!!!

Aren’t all anticipatory verbs—unless somehow noted—TALKING ABOUT THE FUTURE???

If I say to you “Hyperion Rants has never been that popular a site, but going forward things should improve,” is this sentence somehow superior to “Hyperion Rants has never been that popular a site, but things should improve.” ???

I sentence one, you know I mean IN THE FUTURE. In sentence two, who knows what the I’m talking about? Maybe people will invent time machines, go back six weeks, and visit my site back then!

You see what I’m saying? Complete idiocy.

I think the main reason this bothers me so much is that the phrase—and most of the people I’ve heard say it—smacks of people trying to sound smart when they really aren’t. (I’m not saying everyone does this: some are copying others, which is its own form of morn, but another day.)

You know these types of people. They are the ones who have just enough education to be true idiots. They are the people who say, “Joe sent a card to Linda and I.”

I try not to correct people, but that one just gets under my skin. More importantly, these people get on my nerves. QUIT TRYING TO LOOK SMARTER THAN YOU IS! NO ONE IS BUYING IT!

Medium Pile – Nancy Grace

From reading her Wikipedia Page (and boy, do I need a bath after that!) I learn that Nancy Grace changed her whole life and went to law school to become a prosecutor after her fiancé was murdered. I can’t imagine what that would be like, and I’m not going to make fun of her for that at all.

And as a prosecutor, her natural bias would be against alleged criminals, and pro-victim. I can understand that.

But if your job is to host a Court-TV type of show, shouldn’t you be even-handed? If you can’t be impartial or objective, how about fair or even reasonable?

In some ways, you could say Nancy Grace is no better than some racist. She makes automatic assumptions based on alleged crimes that the criminal is A) Guilty and B) Scum of the Earth, who only committed his violent act out of pure depravity (and possibly to piss Nancy off).

Hey, most alleged criminals are guilty. That’s a good thing, or it would mean the police are consistently arresting the wrong people. But our system—whatever its faults—is predicated on the idea that ALL PEOPLE—EVEN THE FUCKHEADS WHO GET CAUGHT ON TAPE AT CONVENIENCE STORES, OR WHO SUPPOSEDLY “CONFESS”—are still presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law under the rules of evidence.

Nancy Grace takes is personally that someone might get bail! She’s strident, annoying, almost makes me want to listen to Hillary Clinton; and NOTHING makes me want to do that. I can’t think of a less interesting way to spend an hour. Give me Geraldo over her!

And while I’m on the subject….

I realize this isn’t a big deal any more, but I might as well get it out of the way now. If I hear one more person refer to the intelligence of the OJ Jury, I’m going to smack them. If they are a woman, I’m going to get my sister Elby to smack them.

This goes to so many things with why people suck.

A) Our Court System, the rule of fucking law, says a man is innocent until proven guilty. He’s proven guilty in a trial where properly admitted evidence, testimony and argument convinces jurors—who have heard the entire case, not just biased snippets on the news—decide the man’s fate.

It’s actually kind of remarkable how often juries get things right.

As for OJ, people say he got off because he was rich and famous.


OJ was only tried because he was rich and famous.

No way do the prosecutors try that case without the media buzz around it. The evidence sucked.

From the very beginning it was tainted. The supposed blood from OJ’s Bronco was put in the same box as bloody items from the crime scene! I realize this was all pre-CSI, but you all know what that means!

The main detective was someone who clearly had a racist past, and if you don’t think a racist cop’s attitude would have any bearing on the way he operates, you’re obviously white and have been white your whole life. Black people understand, and it’s reasonable to think the cop might have had an agenda anyway.

The bottom line is, whether or not OJ actually did the crime (and for the record, I’d lean toward saying he did), there is no way on earth the evidence was there to convict him. Never should have gone to trial. The verdict was a foregone conclusion to anyone who watched the entire case. (At least, to anyone not on the prosecution team, and I think even they knew).

But people still insist on calling the OJ Jurors stupid, uneducated. Often the insinuation is that they only acquitted him because they were black.

That’s why I feel justified smacking anyone who trashes that jury. It’s a racist thing to say, it’s incredibly ignorant on the part of who says it, and it makes you look like a Pollyanna who believes anything the Press reports each night as gospel fact, not to mention how little you understand of the legal system.

And it puts you on the Pile.

Posted by Hyperion :: 9:46 AM :: :: 2 comments

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